
Social Dance Schedule. 

Our weekly Friday Night TGIF Dance happens every Friday at 9pm to 11pm. (unless posted otherwise)

The Senior Ballroom will be hosting all genres of dance - Ballroom, Latin, Swing etc...The Junior Ballroom will be strictly be West Coast Swing, or Country - check the schedule. Attire is  casual. Please bring a pair of clean indoor or dance shoes to change into for the dance.

Single Entry Admission
Foot Notes Student:$5.00 / Guest : $7.00
10 Dance Pass:
Foot Notes Student:$39.00 / Guest :$59.00
Our monthly Saturday WCS Dance happens on the last Saturday of the month from 8pm to 11.30pm (unless posted otherwise)

Light snacks and refreshment will be served. Attire is  casual. Please bring a pair of clean indoor or dance shoes to change into for the dance.

Single Entry Admission = $12 at the door
Also shown in the chart are West Coast Swing Addicts dances at Bonnie Doon Hall!


Christmas Customer Appreciation Dance

Please join us on Friday Dec. 20 at 7.30 pm for our annual Christmas Dance!

Doors open at 7.30 pm, Snacks and refreshments are included and there will be great music as DJ Gail plays her Christmas favorites! Please bring clean indoor shoes!

Admission is free!



Foot Notes hosts a weekly dance party from 9 to 11pm every Friday! The Party is hosted by Foot Notes staff, and is open to the public.  It’s a place to come and have fun, practice your moves and socialize. We play a variety of music including Ballroom, Latin and Country styles and requests are always welcome. DJ Gail is in charge of the music.  Light snacks will be served. (No bar service!). Attire is business casual. Clean indoor foot wear or dance shoes are required.

Single Entry Admission
Foot Notes Student:$5.00 / Guest : $7.00
10 Dance Pass:
Foot Notes Student:$39.00 / Guest :$59.00



Foot Notes Dance Studio adult classes are located at 
Whitemud - South Central
9708 45 Ave. Edmonton, AB, T6E 5C5

Come visit us, check out our virtual tour, or contact us today for more information!